
The EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE is primarily responsible for guiding and managing ITSNJ. This includes, but is not limited to: Administration and Finance; Audit; Budget; Bylaws; Nominations and Elections
Committee Chair: Chris King,  ITSNJ President Committee Members:
Jim Hadden, First Vice President
Lynn LaMunyon, Second Vice President
David Liebgold, Secretary
Florence Wong, Treasurer


The COMMUNICATIONS Committee is primarily responsible for internal and external communications. This work can include a variety of platforms such as email, social media, and internet/web presence.
Committee Chair: Jim Hadden


The FORUM ON TECHNOLOGY will focus its efforts toward technological solutions that support the ITSNJ vision. Examples of the efforts of this committee include: Automated & Connected Vehicles; Data Sharing; Traffic Signals, and more.
Committee Chair: Kathleen M. Swindler


The PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT & ENGAGEMENT Committee will oversee the efforts to provide growth and recognition to transportation professionals. Examples of Professional Development & Engagement work include: Awards and Hall of Fame; Calendar of Related Events; PDH Certification development.
Committee Chair: Ahsan Ali  


The MEMBERSHIP AND ADVOCACY Committee is charged with the goal of advancing ITSNJ as the premier voice in promoting Intelligent Transportation solutions to stakeholders withing the state and region. Examples of work in this area include: Membership Recruitment & Retention; Emerging Professionals in ITS; Women of ITS; and fostering liaisons with other organizations and stakeholders.
Committee Chair: Luigi Casinelli


The RESEARCH Committee is meant to foster collaboration between the academic, public and private sectors to address transportation challenges. Activities include STEM/STEAM support; and administering ITSNJ Scholarship Programs.
Committee Chair: Mohammad Jalayer